Anthony earned his bachelor’s degree in Exercise Physiology from Salisbury University and his master’s degree in Kinesiology from A. T. Still University, focusing on Orthopedic Rehabilitation. Due to his long background as an athlete and avid fitness enthusiast, he concentrated in the field of Strength and Conditioning.

Anthony is a perpetual student of life and health and continues to learn by exploring several philosophies and practices in the health and fitness industry. His journey continued from his undergraduate experience through an internship, a role as an assistant coach, and eventually a head coach at Sports and Fitness Performance under the tutelage of sports performance specialist Frank Dolan, CSCS. During this time he studied extensively the scientific principles of strength training and athletic performance. In 2016 Anthony completed his coursework to be recognized as a certified member of the Superhuman Coach Network, a mastermind team of global fitness professionals designed and curated by world-renowned health and fitness expert Ben Greenfield.

In 2017 Anthony departed from Sports and Fitness Performance to become the head performance coach at Robbie Wagner’s Tennis Academy, where he trained tennis athletes of varying levels. In the summer of 2018, after a brief hiatus from coaching — including time spent living in South America — Anthony began studying under distinguished Osteopath Dr. Guy Voyer (DO) and his ELDOA program, of which he is recognized as one of New York’s elite few EDLOA Trainers. He has completed Dr. Guy Voyer’s SomaTraining program and is a student within Dr. Voyer’s SomaTherapy program, which he will complete in spring 2023.

Anthony has excelled in training and consulting all levels of clients and athletes — from the general public to athletes competing in varsity, NCAA Division I, II, III, amateur, and professional sports — including NBA, NHL, and WTA. Over the past eight years, he has honed his skills specifically for improving movement, strength, conditioning, and sports performance, along with modalities of injury reduction and rehabilitation.

His goal is to improve the quality and longevity of people’s lives and performance through the coaching and teaching of health and fitness.

Educational Background:

  • Master’s Degree in Kinesiology - Orthopedic Rehabilitation

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Physiology

  • SomaTherapy Student (EGD - spring, 2023)

  • ELDOA Trainer

  • SomaTrainer

  • Precision Nutrition, Level 1


ELDOA Trainer Graduation - Dallas, TX, May 2019